Covenant Sunday

Sunday 7th January is Covenant Sunday (although some churches may choose to have their Covenant Service on other dates).

This year, the President of Conference has written a new prayer which can be used as an alternative to the traditional Covenant prayer.

Unchanging God, as we turn the page from one year to another, we are so grateful for your steadfast faithfulness.  Through this last year, we have seen glimmers of your love and hopefulness in the midst of dark, painful and challenging times: new treasures once hidden, but now wonderfully revealed.

Nevertheless, we are conscious of the times
when we broke our promises to you,
when we relied on our own resources rather than drawing from the deep wells of your grace and strength,
when we expected more of ourselves than you demand of us,
when we missed the signs of your presence or
when we failed to notice your offers of light and comfort. 

We are sorry and ask you to forgive us.

And now, as this new year begins, we welcome the opportunity to renew our covenant relationship with you. 
May we do so in the confidence that you will continue to remain faithful to us, your love for us will never be exhausted and
our ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ.

May our renewed relationship deepen our awareness both of your presence and activity, enabling us to discover still more of your precious treasure as this year unfolds. 

In the name of Christ, Amen